
What is new in Stuttgart and the region?

Our service also includes keeping you up to date and informing you about successful and upcoming events in Stuttgart that you shouldn't miss. We provide you with exciting news about our partners, Swabian trends and highlights, training opportunities and portraits of locations. Be inspired by our news and success stories made in Stuttgart!

News & Stories

Quantum Effects, © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Quantum Ef­fects im­presses as an in­ter­na­tion­al plat­form

Since its successful premiere in 2023, Stuttgart's Quantum Effects has been considered the world's leading annual trade fair and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies. The second edition (October 8 and 9, 2024) also impressed as an international platform for science, business and politics.

Waldhotel GreenSleeping, © Waldhotel Stuttgart GmbH

Green Sleep­ing Award 2024 for Wald­hotel Stut­tgart

After taking first place in the GreenSign Hotel Ranking, the Waldhotel Stuttgart is now also the winner of the Green Sleeping Award 2024. The award is given to hotels that use innovative ideas and technologies to combine sustainability, environmental protection and added comfort.

Waldhotel, © Waldhotel Stuttgart GmbH

The Wald­hotel Stut­tgart is 94% greensigned!

The Waldhotel Stuttgart in Degerloch has been carrying the officially recognized label, which measures and verifies the C02 footprint, since 2020. First place in the hotel ranking is the most recent success and the result of the current expansion of the evaluation system. Hotels that are GreenSign-certified stand for sustainable hotel management and meet the most important criteria in harmony with ecological standards, social commitment and economic success.

Berliner Platz, © DBSV/Reiner Pfisterer

Louis Braille Fest­iv­al 2024

From May 3rd to 5th 2024, the Liederhalle Stuttgart was the venue for the fifth edition of Europe's largest festival for blind, visually impaired and sighted people. Louis Braille and his legacy, braille, were honored and celebrated - even beyond the event!

© Stuttgarter Wissenschaftsfestival

Stut­tgart Sci­ence Fest­iv­al

The 3rd Stuttgart Science Festival will take place from October 11 to 22, 2024. All of Stuttgart’s scientific institutions, non-university research institutions, research-based companies and science-related start-ups will present themselves.

Stuttgart Bahnhof, © SMG Stuttgart Marketing GmbH - Sarah Schmid

Stut­tgart–Ulm rail­way pro­ject

The new long-distance train station at the Trade Fair/Airport campus is currently scheduled to open in December 2026. Trains from and to Stuttgart and Ulm will be able to stop there. The travel time from the city center to the Stuttgart trade fair will then be reduced to six minutes (previously around 27 minutes).

STR, © Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH

New at STR: Smart Lane

Passengers at Stuttgart Airport can now book a time slot for security checks free of charge. To reduce any waiting times for the checks, a 15-minute slot can be reserved via the airport website from 72 hours to three hours before departure.

© Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

CCON / Com­ic Con Stut­tgart 2024

Preparations for this year's CCON | Comic Con Stuttgart (November 30th and December 1st) are in full swing. Fans of film and TV stars, comics and cosplay can look forward to a spectacular festival in the fall.

BBQ-Weltmeisterschaft, © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

The BBQ-world is vis­it­ing Ger­many

The 2024 World Barbecue Championship will take place in Stuttgart this summer from July 27th-28th. In addition to the competition with 106 teams from all over the world, a real festival atmosphere will be created on the open-air grounds of the Stuttgart trade fair with 100 exhibitors on 20,000 square meters. The next world championship of this kind is not expected to take place in Germany for another 10 to 15 years.

© SMG Sarah Schmid

Good News: Find us in the new Voy­ages d'Af­faires news­let­ter!

The article on the French homepage offers a great (international) overview of the diverse congressand event possibilities in Stuttgart and the region. In addition to exciting new hotel openings, Stuttgart also offers cultural treasures and a wine tradition that has existed for generations and is waiting to be discovered.

Schwabenlandhalle, © DGVD-Kongress 2024

24th An­nu­al Meet­ing of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Veter­in­ary Der­ma­to­logy

From June 7th to 9th 2024, the German Society for Veterinary Dermatology (DGVD) came together for a beastly good congress at its 24th Annual Meeting in the Fellbach Schwabenlandhalle under the motto "DGVD 2024 goes wild".

IMEX 2024, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Alwin Maigler

IMEX 2024 - Un­lock Ideas

... from May 14 to 16, 2023, in Frankfurt. We are on-site together with our six partners and are looking forward to seeing you in person again at the meeting point for the global events industry. Make an appointment with us now to catch up individually.

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Alwin Maigler, Martina Denker, wpsteinheisser

IBTM World in Bar­celona 2023

26.10.23 - Join us November 28 - 30, 2023 at IBTM World, where we're thrilled to introduce you to the varied meeting landscape of Stuttgart at Fira Barcelona, German Pavilion, booth F65 - 03.

Numerous visitors flock to the exhibition halls., © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

Messe Stut­tgart closed 2022 with pos­it­ive res­ults

20.07.23 - Positive year-end result for 2022 / First full calendar in 2023 after pandemic / New business in Stuttgart and elsewhere / Extension of sustainability strategy

International Sauna Congress, © Deutscher Sauna-Bund e.V.

18th In­ter­na­tion­al Sauna Con­gress

Rekindling Awareness for Stuttgart's Mineral Springs: The 18th International Sauna Congress took place from 25.-27.10.2022 at the Landesmesse Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre - Why warmth, wellbeing and changes in the bathing culture of the spa city of Stuttgart feel so good

Palace square, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Werner Dieterich

Dis­cov­er the Meet­ing Des­tin­a­tion in 1 Day

In our report we guide you through the highlights of the city and shed light on all the great locations the city has to offer for events. You will also learn why Stuttgart stands for innovation and invention like no other.

Stuttgart Airport, © Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH

Dir­ect flights from Stut­tgart to At­lanta

Delta Air Lines is resuming its direct connection from Atlanta to Stuttgart offered 6 times/ week starting March 27, 2023.

Lobby Steigenberger Graf Zeppelin, © Steigenberger Hotels AG

New part­ner hotel: Steigen­ber­ger Graf Zep­pelin

21.02.22 - We welcome the traditional hotel in the heart of the city as our newest partner. The 8 salons for up to 400 guests, as well as the 2 exclusive board meeting rooms and the spacious foyer provide the ideal setting for every occasion.

Stuttgart Museum of Art, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Florian Selig

Mu­seum of Art is Mu­seum of the Year

14.02.22 - The most important prize for a museum in Germany is awarded by AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art). The Stuttgart Museum of Art is also a stunning event location for exklusive events.

Signature of the contract for Urban Future Conference, © Franziska Kraufmann, Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart

Stut­tgart will host the Urb­an Fu­ture Con­fer­ence in 2023

11.10.21 - The Urban Future is one of the most important and largest international conferences on the subject of urban transformation and development, with particular emphasis on the fields of sustainability and climate protection. The application process was accompanied throughout by the Stuttgart Convention Bureau.


Success stories made in Stuttgart

Discover our success stories of acclaimed events in the Stuttgart Region and let yourself be inspired.

Berliner Platz, © DBSV/Reiner Pfisterer

Louis Braille Fest­iv­al 2024

From May 3rd to 5th 2024, the Liederhalle Stuttgart was the venue for the fifth edition of Europe's largest festival for blind, visually impaired and sighted people. Louis Braille and his legacy, braille, were honored and celebrated - even beyond the event!

Schwabenlandhalle, © DGVD-Kongress 2024

24th An­nu­al Meet­ing of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Veter­in­ary Der­ma­to­logy

From June 7th to 9th 2024, the German Society for Veterinary Dermatology (DGVD) came together for a beastly good congress at its 24th Annual Meeting in the Fellbach Schwabenlandhalle under the motto "DGVD 2024 goes wild".

International Sauna Congress, © Deutscher Sauna-Bund e.V.

18th In­ter­na­tion­al Sauna Con­gress

Rekindling Awareness for Stuttgart's Mineral Springs: The 18th International Sauna Congress took place from 25.-27.10.2022 at the Landesmesse Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre - Why warmth, wellbeing and changes in the bathing culture of the spa city of Stuttgart feel so good

A warm welcome to the delegates of DGU congress at the entrance of the Messe grounds, © Interplan

73rd an­nu­al meet­ing of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Uro­logy

The congress at the International Congress Centre in Stuttgart was a great success and will be remembered as a superlative event that also rang in a new era.

All trade fair halls finally booked out again: with over a thousand exhibitors attending the three parallel trade fairs Blechexpo, Schweisstec and In.Stand, Messe Stuttgart had a full house at the end of October 2021 for the first time since the pandemic started., © P.E. Schall GmbH & Co.KG

Trade fair grounds com­pletely booked out

Full house at Messe Stuttgart with Blechexpo, Schweisstec and In.Stand – participants delighted with personal interaction

30th Annual Meeting of the DTG (German Transplantation Society) Convention & Event Center Filderhalle, © K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, Foto Fotostudio Essen

30th An­nu­al Meet­ing of the DTG (Ger­man Trans­plant­a­tion So­ci­ety)

The 30th Annual Meeting of the DTG (German Transplantation Society) was held as an in-person event from 7th to 9th October 2021 at the Convention & Event Center Filderhalle in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. "For 2021 we made a quick decision in favour of the hybrid event format in order to guarantee a maximum of flexibility in these uncertain times for events," reports Christina Norkus, project manager of the Dresden K.I.T. Group.

Democracy can also be digital – for the Conference of State Delegates, the Stadthalle Reutlingen provided the framework and the hybrid event concept, and ensured that everything went without a hitch., © Stadthalle Reutlingen GmbH

Hy­brid Con­fer­ence of State Del­eg­ates at Re­ut­lingen

For the Conference of State Delegates of one of Baden-Württemberg's governing parties, the technology, know-how and hybrid event competency of the team of the Stadthalle Reutlingen ensured that democracy in digital form can also function without a hitch.

F-Cell Stuttgart Challenge, © Angelika Emmerling_Peter Sauber Agentur

F-cell Stut­tgart

Stuttgart is home to one of the most important conferences of its kind – the annual f-cell conference, during which the city becomes the focus of the international hydrogen and fuel cell community for two days each fall.

Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film at palace square, © Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film

Stut­tgart In­ter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of An­im­ated Film

Described by its artistic director Uli Wegenast as "a combination of Woodstock, a beer fest, and a creative global meeting for animation" the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film is at once both intimate and global... professional yet laid back.
