Hotel contingents and room reservations

Would you like to help your participants find hotel accommodation? If so, we can arrange for room contingents and room reservations through our customer service facilities. Alternatively, you can publish our contact details or set a direct link to your congress pages. There's a fitting solution for every event.
Both the organisation and management of room contingents and reservations of hotel accommodation and ticket contingents is free of charge for you and your participants.


Valid up to 31st December 2026:
Our Hotel Special: Free travel on public transport

When you book an accommodation through the Stuttgart Marketing GmbH you will receive a special free ticket for the local public transport network from numerous partner hotels as an extra bonus on the part of the Stuttgart Marketing GmbH. Service provider: Verkehrsbetriebe Stuttgart (Stuttgart Public Transport Services). Hereby giving visitors convenient mobility throughout the Stuttgart Region at no extra charge for the duration of their stay (up to 8 days).

Hotel Accommodation with free public transport

Hotel Ac­com­mod­a­tion with free pub­lic trans­port

Your contact

for hotel contingents and room reservations

Our service times
Mon - Fri: 10.00 am - 5.00 pm

Hotel reservation, © Alwin Maigler

Team Hotelkooperation

Accommodation for your participants

Room reservations can be made easily and quickly using Stuttgart-Marketing's online booking system. Make use of our free service for individual room contingents and reservations.