Palace square, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Julian Herzog

Meetings in Stuttgart - unlock ideas

Where tradition and innovation meet, a favourable symbiosis exists between business, culture and the Swabian way of life.

Dynamic, globally networked, with inhabitants from more than 180 countries. The capital of Baden-Württemberg – Germany's leading state for exports – stands out as a mecca of the automobile industry and is one of the foremost high-tech centres for mobility, aerospace, engineering, IT, finance and green technology. 

A wide diversity of locations and hotels for any kind of meeting, congress or event – this is what the Stuttgart Region has to offer. We look forward to welcoming you!

Start planning now

Stuttgart city view, © Simon

Good reasons for choosing the Stuttgart region

  • >145con­fer­ence ven­ues
  • 110flight des­tin­a­tions
  • #1city of cul­ture 2012, 2014, 2016 and again 2018
  • 160,000com­pan­ies
  • 26uni­ver­sit­ies and academies
  • #2in Ger­many for pat­ent ap­plic­a­tions
  • 28,000hotel rooms

Get to know the Stuttgart region

News & Stories


IMEX 2025 - Un­lock Ideas in Stut­tgart

... from May 20 to 22, 2025, in Frankfurt. We are on-site together with our eight partners and are looking forward to seeing you in person again at the meeting point for the global events industry. Make an appointment with us now to catch up individually.


European Ro­bot­ics For­um 2025 for the first time in Ger­many

From March 25 to 27, 2025, the culture and congress center Liederhalle Stuttgart will become the center of the European robotics and AI scene. For the first time, the European Robotics Forum (ERF), the industry's most important networking event and euRobotics' flagship event, will take place in Germany.

© Mercedes-Benz AG

Te­am­build­ing at the “Pit Stop”

Motorsport action at first hand: Mercedes‑Benz Museum, “Pit Stop” hands-on station. In this interactive game, real Formula One wheels are changed against the clock.

© Stadthalle Reutlingen

Stadthalle Re­ut­lingen: Sus­tain­ab­il­ity with plat­in­um status

In its 13th year of operation and for the eighth time in a row, the Reutlingen City Hall has achieved recertification with Green Globe with 100% fulfillment of the criteria and continues to hold its platinum status.

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH

Di­ver­sion due to re­devel­op­ment of rail net­work 17.4.-6.6.2025

Trains will be rerouted between Mannheim and Stuttgart, some trains cancelled. Journey time between Mannheim and Stuttgart will be extended by around 40 minutes – which means travel time from Frankfurt Airport will be extended to approximately 2 hours. The time is already included in the German Rail timetable.

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH

Fu­ture-proof events: cer­ti­fied sus­tain­able des­tin­a­tion Stut­tgart

After a development phase lasting almost two years, the Stuttgart Region tourism destination is now certified as a sustainable travel destination by TourCert. Together with over 70 companies, eight municipalities and five district offices, the destination and partners were recognized for their commitment to sustainable tourism.

© Georg Kludsky

Lieder­halle hon­oured with Klimaw­in cer­ti­fic­ate

The Liederhalle cultural and congress center was awarded the Klimawin certificate by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector of Baden-Württemberg. This honor underlines the Liederhalle's forward-looking commitment to climate protection and sustainability in the event industry.

Quantum Effects, © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Quantum Ef­fects best new European trade fair product 2023

The Quantum Effects, a trade fair for applied quantum technology organized by Messe Stuttgart, was named the best European trade fair new product in 2023 by EMECA. It impressed with its high level of innovation and strong networking. It is already considered a leading platform for quantum technologies. The next edition will take place in October 2025.

Quantum Effects, © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Quantum Ef­fects im­presses as an in­ter­na­tion­al plat­form

Since its successful premiere in 2023, Stuttgart's Quantum Effects has been considered the world's leading annual trade fair and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies. The second edition (October 8 and 9, 2024) also impressed as an international platform for science, business and politics.

Waldhotel GreenSleeping, © Waldhotel Stuttgart GmbH

Green Sleep­ing Award 2024 for Wald­hotel Stut­tgart

After taking first place in the GreenSign Hotel Ranking, the Waldhotel Stuttgart is now also the winner of the Green Sleeping Award 2024. The award is given to hotels that use innovative ideas and technologies to combine sustainability, environmental protection and added comfort.

Waldhotel, © Waldhotel Stuttgart GmbH

The Wald­hotel Stut­tgart is 94% greensigned!

The Waldhotel Stuttgart in Degerloch has been carrying the officially recognized label, which measures and verifies the C02 footprint, since 2020. First place in the hotel ranking is the most recent success and the result of the current expansion of the evaluation system. Hotels that are GreenSign-certified stand for sustainable hotel management and meet the most important criteria in harmony with ecological standards, social commitment and economic success.

Berliner Platz, © DBSV/Reiner Pfisterer

Louis Braille Fest­iv­al 2024

From May 3rd to 5th 2024, the Liederhalle Stuttgart was the venue for the fifth edition of Europe's largest festival for blind, visually impaired and sighted people. Louis Braille and his legacy, braille, were honored and celebrated - even beyond the event!

© Stuttgarter Wissenschaftsfestival

Stut­tgart Sci­ence Fest­iv­al

The 3rd Stuttgart Science Festival will take place from October 11 to 22, 2024. All of Stuttgart’s scientific institutions, non-university research institutions, research-based companies and science-related start-ups will present themselves.

Stuttgart Bahnhof, © SMG Stuttgart Marketing GmbH - Sarah Schmid

Stut­tgart–Ulm rail­way pro­ject

The new long-distance train station at the Trade Fair/Airport campus is currently scheduled to open in December 2026. Trains from and to Stuttgart and Ulm will be able to stop there. The travel time from the city center to the Stuttgart trade fair will then be reduced to six minutes (previously around 27 minutes).

STR, © Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH

New at STR: Smart Lane

Passengers at Stuttgart Airport can now book a time slot for security checks free of charge. To reduce any waiting times for the checks, a 15-minute slot can be reserved via the airport website from 72 hours to three hours before departure.

© Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

CCON / Com­ic Con Stut­tgart 2024

Preparations for this year's CCON | Comic Con Stuttgart (November 30th and December 1st) are in full swing. Fans of film and TV stars, comics and cosplay can look forward to a spectacular festival in the fall.

BBQ-Weltmeisterschaft, © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

The BBQ-world is vis­it­ing Ger­many

The 2024 World Barbecue Championship will take place in Stuttgart this summer from July 27th-28th. In addition to the competition with 106 teams from all over the world, a real festival atmosphere will be created on the open-air grounds of the Stuttgart trade fair with 100 exhibitors on 20,000 square meters. The next world championship of this kind is not expected to take place in Germany for another 10 to 15 years.

© SMG Sarah Schmid

Good News: Find us in the new Voy­ages d'Af­faires news­let­ter!

The article on the French homepage offers a great (international) overview of the diverse congressand event possibilities in Stuttgart and the region. In addition to exciting new hotel openings, Stuttgart also offers cultural treasures and a wine tradition that has existed for generations and is waiting to be discovered.

Schwabenlandhalle, © DGVD-Kongress 2024

24th An­nu­al Meet­ing of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Veter­in­ary Der­ma­to­logy

From June 7th to 9th 2024, the German Society for Veterinary Dermatology (DGVD) came together for a beastly good congress at its 24th Annual Meeting in the Fellbach Schwabenlandhalle under the motto "DGVD 2024 goes wild".

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Alwin Maigler, Martina Denker, wpsteinheisser

IBTM World in Bar­celona 2023

26.10.23 - Join us November 28 - 30, 2023 at IBTM World, where we're thrilled to introduce you to the varied meeting landscape of Stuttgart at Fira Barcelona, German Pavilion, booth F65 - 03.

Streaming Studio Messe Stuttgart, © Messe Stuttgart

Ven­ues for hy­brid events

Safe events at Messe Stuttgart, © Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

Safe events in the Stut­tgart Re­gion

© DGVD-Kongress 2024
Stuttgart-Fellbach seemed to be the ideal venue for us. Fellbach's lovely Swabian charm, the beautiful Schwabenlandhalle and the very natural ambience combine relaxation and the perfect arena for exchanging knowledge. The Schwabenlandhalle is also very easy to get to. Another important point is of course the fact that the Schwabenlandhalle is extremely dog-friendly, which is a must for a veterinary congress and our furry friends felt very comfortable. Mrs. Ade from the Stuttgart Convention Bureau gave us very good advice on all points, she gave the whole thing structure straight away and she was extremely helpful, with lots of insider tips such as the Schwabenlandhalle or the best time for our event. We had more exhibitors and participants than ever before! The size of the event and the charm of Stuttgart really captivated everyone!
Dr. Teresa Böhm and Dr. Christoph Klinger
Conference presidents of the 24th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Veterinary Dermatology
Bruno Lichtinger, © Bruno Lichtinger
We're very glad that the DGU (German Urology Society) agreed with us early in the year that we would go for a large live event in Stuttgart in September. We can be proud of the result! With the support of the team of the Messe Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre and our long-standing service partners, we succeeded in realising an in-person congress with more than 4,000 participants and a large-scale industry exhibition – and with no major hitches beforehand. This proves that even under these exceptional conditions, and despite dynamically changing official regulations, it is possible to carry out face-to-face meetings safely. Together with the participating doctors, the industry sector and the destination of Stuttgart, we are delighted at this great success.
Bruno Lichtinger
Vorstand, INTERPLAN Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG
Gabi Schares, © Gabi Schares
Thanks to the MICE Club Live 2021 I was able to return to Stuttgart after an absence of a great many years and to renew my contacts with hotels and locations. To my surprise, I found that in Stuttgart nothing had changed. With that, I don't mean the considerably modernised and tasteful existing hotels, nor the smoothly operating, multifunctional organism of the Mercedes-Benz Arena or the new and even more impressive Mercedes-Benz Museum, but the incredibly personal commitment of the people in Stuttgart. Every encounter was on an equal footing, open, cordial and and helpful. The spirit of the city – innovative, cosmopolitan and at the same time down-to-earth – was tangible in every case. For me, Stuttgart has shot right to the top of the list of the MICE cities! Katharina Bitterle, the much-appreciated representative of the Stuttgart Convention Bureau, who has long been one of my favourite contacts in the MICE Club, is absolutely typical of the people who make Stuttgart what it is.
Gabi Schares
EVENT Impuls
Group picture Discovery Tour Stuttgart, © SMG
A wonderful and very dedicated team from the Stuttgart Convention Bureau. It's a delight to experience with how much elan, enthusiasm and love for Stuttgart they organised everything with such a high degree of professionalism.
Susanne Rothe
EndoScience Endokrinologie Service GmbH
Tekom Jahrestagung, © Roman Hermann
We chose Stuttgart and the ICS Internationales Congresscenter Stuttgart for the annual meeting of tekom and the tcworld conference. This is the largest international event for technical communication, with more than 4,000 participants. Both we, the organisers, and our participants enjoy being in Stuttgart. The Stuttgart Convention Bureau supports us with a wide range of services such as hotel contingents, a free Stuttgart information desk and the planning of framework programmes. We can always rely on its help with any issues we may have.
Cornelia Ilg
tcworld GmbH / Gesellschaft für Technische Dokumentation – tekom Deutschland e.V.
IEEE conference Stadthalle Reutlingen, © Stadthalle Reutlingen
Organizing IEEE Virtual Reality was an extremely time-consuming task that myself and the other organizers poured our heart into. We were so grateful to have found such an impressive venue (Stadthalle Reutlingen) to host this event. While our efforts and the academic contributions helped to make record breaking attendance of 700 people (previous record was about 500); we know from our discussions with the Stadthalle organizers that growing to this big of attendance and our sucesss as a conference was only possible due to the venue! The fact that we could use an entire floor for Research Demonstrations was amazing. Also, on the day of the event we were so impressed with the flexibility and willingness of the Stadthalle to help us put on this impressive event. I felt the Stadthalle staff were prepared for so many things that we as organizers were not aware of; or did not have the time to think of.
Betty Mohler
TU Darmstadt
Logo RBK
We received effective support in organising a large international scientific congress. Thanks to Ms Grützner we were able to book the congress location and evening event extremely quickly. It's a great feeling to have someone at your side who has lots of helpful ideas and contacts. Great service, and maximum support!
Ina Probst
Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttgart
GENIVI Alliance OPEN Automotive Conference and Demonstration Showcase , © Karin Hanson Events
Stuttgart was an ideal location which met all of our goals. The GENIVI members, board and guests are all hard charging technology and auto leaders who want to come in and out of a destination and connect with the right people and information easily. The Stuttgart Convention Bureau and the Maritim & Liederhalle all were very helpful in making this happen for us.
Karin Hanson
Karin Hanson Events

Well connected - our partners

Messe Stuttgart, © Messe Stuttgart

Messe Stut­tgart

Situated right in the heart of Europe, the Messe Stuttgart is a central axis for ideas and contacts. This is where global market leaders meet hidden champions and exciting start-ups from all sectors of business.

Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle, © KKL

Kul­tur- und Kon­gresszen­trum Lieder­halle

The Liederhalle Culture and Congress Centre in Stuttgart's city centre meets every requirement to guarantee the success of your event. The venue was modernised in 2020 and can host congresses with up to 3,000 participants.

Stadthalle Reutlingen, © Stadthalle Reutlingen GmbH

Stadthalle Re­ut­lingen

In the middle of the Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve, the Stadthalle Reutlingen is the first town hall in Germany to operate in a CO2-neutral manner and has been (re-)certified by Green Globe several times, with 100% of the criteria being met. As a strong service provider with innovative concepts for classic, digital and hybrid event formats, it can fulfill almost all event wishes.

Stuttgart Airport, © Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH

Stut­tgart Air­port

Some 39 airlines provide direct flights to Stuttgart from over 110 destinations in more than 32 countries. In 2019 it registered the sixth-largest passenger volume in Germany.

City view Stuttgart, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Werner Dieterich

Wirtschafts­för­der­ung Re­gion Stut­tgart (WRS)

The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation is the central point of contact for companies, municipalities, start-ups, investors, skilled workers and journalists for economic topics in the city of Stuttgart and its five surrounding districts.

Filderhalle, © Günter E. Bergmann - Photography


Venues in the heart of town or surrounded by greenery – the Congress Region of Stuttgart convinces by virtue of its wide range of meeting options, numerous offers for sustainable events and competent partners.

Mövenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport Messe, © Moevenpick Airport Messe


The dynamism of Stuttgart as an economic region is also reflected in the development of its hospitality sector. Classic and design-oriented hotels can cater for every taste.

Palace square, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Werner Dieterich

Stut­tgart-Mar­ket­ing GmbH und Re­gio Stut­tgart Mar­ket­ing- und Tour­is­mus GmbH

The official tourism partners of the state capital Stuttgart and the Stuttgart region

Trade fair visit, © rcfotostock - stock.adobe

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